Tuesday, October 17, 2006

eat your heart out gregory

last sunday i went inside the dumaguete cathedral a few minutes before mass. i sat down a couple of pews from the back, beside the marble listing of all the parish priests since the 16th c.

everybody rose when the priest and his altar boys came in, genuflected...and wonder of wonders!!!...an unmistakeable drum beat started!! i thought somebody must have fucked up the sound system, but suddenly the lights went on around the altar, across the nave... the concert lights and sounds were part of the mass!! and the priest was singing along too!

and the music was quite modern, indie rockish even, the drum beat started a song that sounded like the googoo dolls' iris. the next song used sounded like elton john's circle of life from the lion king. and the third one was a little color it reddish. holy molly! ganon na pala misa ngayon, sayang i have a bus to catch at natunawan na rin ako sa kinain kong nan and kebabs.

on my way to the bus station i kept thinking that i might have just missed seeing a full bohemain rhapsody cantata.

1 comment:

che_me said...

asteeeeeg RAK EN ROL! kala mo ha! malamang kung di ka pa umalis nun eh nag head bang na yung pare.... corny pare rak en rol ulit